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Tweak and Toss: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When ‘Editing’ a Minimalist Space

What many homeowners tend to overlook in home design is the stop-look-and-edit habit. Sometimes, you can get so caught up with the details of the space that you forget the big picture, how one element relates to another, what style you’re trying to achieve, or how the entire room feels like already. It’s important to

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family at a living room

Adapting Your Residence to Properly House Your Elderly Loved One

Housing an elderly relative, whether it’s your parents or grandparents, isn’t as unpopular an idea as it used to be. In the past decade, more and more retirees have been invited by their relations to stay over at their homes both temporarily and permanently. However, one’s age does affect movement, skills, and capacities. That being

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