How Paint Finishes Can Affect Your Home Interior Design

The paint color you choose can make or break a room. But did you know that aside from having the right color, you also need to select the right finish for the job?

The right type of paint finish can make a significant impact on your space. It can be a crucial decision to make, especially if you have children and pets at home. That’s because some paint finishes can easily attract dirt and scuff marks.

The impact of choosing the wrong paint color and finish

Although all paint colors look beautiful depending on your taste, there are a few ones that can make a house look dirtier. Even the brand of the paint can affect the output of your project. Since each brand has its own color sets, mixing these with paint finishes that aren’t compatible can ruin the look that you want for your home.

The basic rule in choosing the right color for your home is to look in its sheen. When selecting a paint finish, take note that paints with more gloss have more exceptional durability. But it’s also important to remember that the glossier the color, the more likely that dirt will become visible. That’s why every part of your room should have different paint finishes depending on its foot traffic.

How to know the right paint finish

Selecting the right paint finish mainly depends on how you balance durability and aesthetics. It’s crucial that you identify which finish will fit an area in the house based on its foot traffic.

High gloss paint needs a lot of upkeep to maintain its pristine condition. Any imperfection such as nail pops and cracks will be visible once it’s completely dried. However, if appropriately managed, any room that has a high gloss finish will look clean since dirt doesn’t stick to it easily.

Meanwhile, a glossy finish is perfect in kitchens or in other areas where people cook a lot. That’s because it can repel food spills and oil splatters easily. You can take a wet rag or a sponge and wipe it out entirely without worrying about any stains.

Semi-gloss paint is slightly glossy but doesn’t reflect too much light. Most people choose this, especially when painting doors, baseboards, and door casing. It’s also perfect for the basement finishing in your Utah home.

Using technology to your advantage

Room with orange theme

Most major paint manufacturers already have apps and websites that can help you choose the right paint color and finish for your room. Although it’s not entirely perfect, it will at least give you a good idea on how the paint will look like once you apply it in your room. This is a great way to narrow down your choices to help you decide which one fits your room interior the best.

Although choosing a paint color and finish can be difficult at first, the trick is to find which ones will fit the purpose of the room. It’s best to choose one that’s manageable to ensure that it will stay in its pristine condition for several years.

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