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The Connection Between Diabetes and Dental Care

Having diabetes can worsen the state of your teeth. From helping bacteria to thrive to weakening your gums, having diabetes will affect your overall dental care. If you think that your blood sugar is high, have yourself checked and find out if you already have diabetes. If you do have diabetes, the things below can happen to your teeth and gums, which will be evident if you visit a dental clinic that uses 3-D printing in their dental practice:

Glucose + bacteria = plaque

If you have diabetes, your blood sugar level is high, which means that you have a high amount of glucose in your mouth. You’re more prone to developing tooth decay. Your mouth is filled with bacteria. If you have a high amount of glucose, it will interact with the bacteria in your mouth. That interaction will lead to more plaque formation on your teeth, which will then lead to tooth decay.

[If you’re at risk of developing diabetes or if you already have it, you should be more vigilant when it comes to cleaning your teeth. Brush and floss your teeth after every meal, and use mouthwash to kill any bacteria that your toothpaste cannot get rid of.

Plaque will turn to tartar

If you don’t brush your teeth often and remove the plaque that’s forming in your mouth, that substance will harden and turn into tartar and settle above your gum line. When that happens, it will be harder to remove the tartar, and it will further worsen the state of your teeth and gums.

The tartar on your gums will make them swell and even bleed, and this condition is called gingivitis. When you have gingivitis, it can lead to another gum disease called periodontitis, a condition wherein your gums start to form pockets around your teeth. You’ll be more prone to getting an infection due to the open wounds in your gums.

It’s important to clean your teeth regularly, especially if you are diagnosed with diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should do anything that you can to manage this condition so that it won’t worsen the condition of your teeth and gums.

Recognizing the symptoms of diabetes in your mouth

Man Suffering From Toothache

You’ll know that diabetes is the cause for the decline of your teeth and gums if you start noticing the following symptoms:

  • It’s painful when you chew.
  • Your gums seem to bleed more often.
  • The bad breath doesn’t go away even when you brush your teeth and use mouthwash.
  • You develop ulcers or sores in the mouth that don’t go away.
  • Your taste changes. Some food you used to like has a bad taste in your mouth.
  • Your teeth feel looser.
  • You feel pain in your mouth, face, or jaw that does not abate.
  • There are holes and dark spots in your teeth.
  • Your mouth feels dry sometimes.
  • You feel a burning sensation in your mouth.
  • Your tongue feels rougher.
  • You notice white patches or red ones on your tongue, palate, cheeks, or gums, and sometimes they turn into sores.

Look out for these symptoms. If you notice most of them are happening to you, have yourself checked by a physician immediately. Diabetes can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums, not to mention your overall health. If you do have diabetes, follow a strict diet that your physician will prescribe to manage your condition properly.


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