The Biggest Tech Trends in Warehouse Security

Warehouses store large volumes of valuable goods, making them an easy target for theft, break-ins, and vandalism. Because of this, warehouses need top-of-the-line security systems to protect workers and material assets alike.

Thanks to technology, logistics companies can take advantage of advanced security solutions to better safeguard their facilities. Below are three of the best warehouse security solutions in the market today:

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID technology provides companies with real-time inventory visibility. RFID systems feature three main components: reader, tag, and antenna. An RFID tag is usually attached to a product or its packaging. It includes a microchip and a tiny aerial indicating relevant product information.

RFID systems can be used to detect and track items in and out of the warehouse. It signals when an item leaves the premises and arrives at its destination. These real-time updates reduce the likelihood of stock shortages or missing inventory, thereby maximizing revenue and overall customer satisfaction.

RFID tags are processed by handheld or fixed readers. Installing multiple fixed readers around the warehouse can effectively track the movement of goods despite huge volumes of inventory.

RFID can also increase accuracy in shipment orders. By ‘source tagging’ or applying RFID labels onto the product during manufacturing, supervisors can easily verify if the number of orders matches the number of goods received. RFID tags also serve as security labels for retailers which can be deactivated once the item is sold.


CCTV Monitoring

Often paired with alarmed industrial fences, CCTV monitoring is commonly used to identify and respond to acts of intrusion. Today’s HD CCTV systems offer superior detail and facial recognition ability. These can be particularly useful in warehouses where the endless aisles, racks, and pallets make it harder to detect theft and other criminal activities. The increased detail can aid security enforcers during post-event analysis making it easier to retrieve lost assets and hold the right people accountable.

While CCTV systems are best known for their security features, they are also instrumental in supply chains and production lines. For instance, they can provide assurance to customers and logistics companies that items were shipped or received promptly and correctly.

Access control

Access control is instrumental in managing internal threats such as employee theft. By setting up access control stations, supervisors can control movement in high-risk areas and keep valuable assets protected.

Access control can take the form of smart cards, passwords, and retina or fingerprint biometric scanners. Smart cards are also used for accurate record keeping. Anyone who wishes to enter a secure room must swipe their card and be properly identified. The system takes note of the employee’s name as well as the date and time of entry. Should a security incident arise, these records will help in laying out a comprehensive timeline and narrowing down potential suspects.

Preparation is the most effective way to combat security threats. Investing in a comprehensive prevention plan can help in assessing potential risks and reducing damage should unfortunate incidents occur. Alongside these technologies, keeping employees involved by providing proper security training and education can create a culture of safety.

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