Overcoming Addiction: How Men Can Keep It Under Control

Most men out there have at least one addiction or two. Smoking is the most common addiction that has led to many health issues. However, it is something that has become a part of life. If you are reading this, you either have an addiction or are looking for answers to get rid of them either for yourself, family, or friends.

Most of you might have started with an addiction in a very casual and playful manner. However, you may not have been able to keep a tab on it. So the casual puff probably turned into addictive behavior. If you thought that there are only substance-based addictions, you are probably wrong. Addictions like smoking, drinking, and drugs like opioids are classified as substance abuse. Well, there are non-substance abuses, aplenty. They are excessive eating, gambling, and exercising. If you cannot control your urges initially, it may develop into a strong habit.

Take the First Step

This is the most challenging part. But once you make it, you have to stick to it. You should fix a specific goal in mind when this happens. You may not be able to quit all of a sudden. But you can reduce the intake or the addictive behavior slowly. You may have found that when you decided to stop drinking, you hung up on smoking. The body definitely finds an alternative.

Now, let us give you an example of excessive eating. You may never be able to quit all of a sudden. Moreover, in such a scenario, it may have a devastating effect on the body. However, you can minimize slowly. This stage is crucial. You have to decide the change, think it over, and find alternatives. It would be best to get in touch with a doctor, counselor, or rehabilitation center at this stage. These professionals can guide you from ground zero. If your drug problem goes out of hand, you might want to visit an opioid detoxification consultant or specialized rehab.

Preparing for It

Once you know where to reach, things start falling into place. However, you have to remain active. In this stage, you need to remove the supplies that lead to addiction. Eliminate the triggers. If you are addicted to fast food, you should remove all such food items from your refrigerator. Gambling enthusiasts need to remove their cards from automatic standing instructions on gambling sites. If you have a drinking problem, throw away those bottles or give them away. You should also connect with friends and family members who can help you get rid of your addictive behavior.

If you have any underlying issues, like mental disorder alongside, you should first get that treated. It could make matters worse in the withdrawal phase.

Getting the Treatment

cognitive behavior therapy

You can avail yourself of various kinds of treatments. Moreover, there are several medical and psychological treatments. There is no specific treatment for all; one that might suit you may not serve the others.

Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the first things that your psychologist or psychiatrist will prescribe. It has the power to relieve anyone of all the symptoms. It is suitable for those who have control over their thought patterns. Mindfulness therapies are also widely used today. This class of treatment can help people who have an underlying disorder. If you are one of them, act fast and get the necessary treatment.

You can also choose a hobby that you loved in childhood. However, you may have lost touch with it over time. Now, it is time to go back to it. Learn something new related to it.

Coping With Withdrawal

After successfully managing the above to an extent, you still cannot be pleased and satisfied. In this stage, things can be difficult. With substances, you could face some physiological reactions. If you leave alcohol suddenly, it can lead to stomach issues and pain. It is always good to talk to your doctor or therapy counselor about these symptoms. You could be advised to let go slowly. However, do not get too worried. Most symptoms get over in around two weeks. You may also have a feeling of deprivation. So be open about all of these with your doctor. It is essential.

Avoiding a Relapse

Relapses are common. However, if you know how to deal with it, it may be easy. Moreover, cravings can come up at any time. You could be having cravings after a few months or even after years. It may be harmless or just the opposite.

Furthermore, you may not like that addiction or addictive behavior any longer. Or you could be at it, again. You need to realize the triggers to take adequate action.


Recovery from addiction is an ongoing process. You cannot gain a complete solution in one go. Take time, and it shall surely happen.


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