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Personal Hygiene For Athletes: Effectively Preventing Diseases While Staying Fit

In the past few months, much of the sports and recreation sector activities have been hindered due to the public health crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. Even though the pandemic is still in full swing, much of the sporting industry has taken up drastic measures in safety and restrictions.

Although many tournaments and major sporting events are canceled due to safety concerns, that doesn’t mean that athletes and sports enthusiasts can’t hone their skills and performance through training and practice. Since a good percentage of sports are team-based, each team member must exercise a lot of precautions through good personal hygiene to prevent diseases. Not only will this mitigate the likelihood of infections, but this can keep the body in peak performance.

However, keeping good hygiene while staying active is easier said than done. So what are some ways of keeping good personal hygiene? Here’s what you should know.

Wash Your Hands

First and foremost, one of the most basic parts of personal hygiene is washing your hands. With what’s currently happening around the world, washing your hands should be the first thing athletes should do before and right after playing games with other players. You don’t necessarily need intricate disinfectants when antibacterial soap will do. Most medical experts would suggest washing your hands for at least 20 seconds while covering all the important areas that get a good surface contact amount.

washing hands

Showering After Any Activity

Right after every workout routine and sporting activity, clothes and workout equipment should be placed in a separate container to apparel used for everyday life. Gyms and sports centers are often prime places for transmission. Showering is one of the best ways of effectively removing any virulent agent that comes in contact with your hair and skin.

Having A Healthy Diet

Being active in sports means that you’ll need to have the calories and the energy needed for such rigorous physical activities. Your body will need a well-balanced diet to ensure that muscle strength and bone integrity can keep up with your physical needs.

Good Skincare Routine

It’s important to note that the skin is one of the most important organs in the body. It is the first and last line of defense of the body against disease-causing microbes while also giving out body much-needed insulation against low temperatures and much of the natural elements. But for athletes, taking care of your skin can be a challenge, especially those that are always in the scorching heat of the sun or involved in contact sports.

When it comes to physical activities, our body will usually spend a good amount of resources in regulating our temperature so that we don’t overheat and so that we can perform at peak capacity. Usually, our skin will produce sweat as a means of keeping our body cool under pressure. However, excessive sweating can cause a wide variety of health complications and issues with your skin. Acne, athlete’s foot, and jock’s itch are just some of the conditions that are related to intense physical activities and sweating.

Athletes will need to have specialized and professional treatment to ensure that their skin is in pristine condition. Dirt, debris, and sweat are prime catalysts for aging and can damage the skin. Fortunately, there are dermatologists that have extensive knowledge when it comes to treating skin conditions for all skin types. Having professional supervision can help ensure that diseases and health issues are prevented.

Keep Equipment Dry and Clean

Bacteria, fungi, and other disease-causing microbes thrive in damp and moist environments. While most sports equipment is known for being incredibly hardy and can withstand a variety of natural weather conditions, the surface of this equipment can be prime breeding grounds for bacteria.

Most athletes would shove their used clothes or equipment inside their bags without thinking twice about washing or disinfecting them. When it’s been rolling on mud, dirt, or being touched by other players, this can be a bit risky. Certain sporting organizations have imposed policies on disinfecting equipment, especially when a pandemic is in full swing.

Compared to individuals that exercise moderately, personal hygiene for athletes is an important part of maintaining the body and keeping it in pristine condition. This is especially important for athletes that are involved in rigorous contact sports. Even though you might get sick, despite some of these precautions, having good personal hygiene can expedite the recuperation process and get you back in the court in no time. Still, it’s important to emphasize prevention; it’s better to have a healthy body rather than nursing it back to health!


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