Bringing the Beauty of Coffee Shops into Your Home

For many people who are working remotely, studying, or traveling and working at the same time, cafes are known for being an oasis for a lot of these workers and students. When most office workers just want to have a good time and chill with their colleagues, cafes are a great place to converge in and have a conversation over a cup of coffee.

Since a lot of individuals are stuck at home, renovating and making use of your spare time by bringing a bit of class and sophistication into your home can go a long way, especially when you need a place that can evoke the same atmosphere like a cafe. Not only will this help you concentrate on what you’re working on, but this can also bring out a “bohemian” ambiance that we know and love from a lot of cafes.

Counter for Breakfast

It wouldn’t feel like a cafe if you weren’t sipping on a nice cup of coffee while you’re eating your favorite breakfast on a weekend morning, would it? You might want to consider spicing up your home-based “cafe” by having a breakfast counter that’s just close to your balcony, patio, or a window that’s overlooking a nice side of your neighborhood.

If there’s a good amount of space, you can try adding a bit of height to the countertop while having some heightened stools. Not only will this add a good amount of seating space for your own leisure, but this is a great way of getting that “casual” cafe feel that everyone is quite familiar with. Nothing beats sipping on a cup of coffee while you’re typing away on your laptop or studying for that exam with a homely cafe feel.

Shutters and Windows

The beauty of most cafes doesn’t necessarily come from the fancy lighting or decorations that come from inside the establishment. Most cafes that want a more “wholesome” vibe will usually rely on ambient lighting to lighten up the mood and get a bit of sunlight inside the place. Fortunately, you can also have control the amount of natural light that can get inside your home with versatile and durable shutters that can help control light intensity. Not only will this give you a good degree of privacy, but this is also a great way of protecting your room from UV rays.

Indoor Plants Will Do the Trick

If you’re going to let in a bit of ambient lighting and sunlight, you might want to consider placing tropical indoor plants inside your home. Not only will this help in removing toxins that might be in the air, but plants are known for being versatile in almost any type of architectural style and interior design.

Most experts would suggest using tropical indoor plants since they don’t need a lot of direct sunlight. Still, you’ll need to water your plants from time to time. Some cafes would also incorporate vines to give your home a more wholesome “Mediterranean” feel.

Cafe Equals Brown

If you haven’t noticed, most cafes will incorporate a lot of brown colors as their motif. Besides giving a good sense of “insulation” and warmth to the area, brown hues are also related to one of the most drank commodities around the world: coffee. The brown color of your home will definitely work well with the sweet and dark-smelling roast of freshly brewed coffee.

cafe style

Couches Installed on Corners

One of the popular designs that you can see on cafes and resto-bars is an L or sometimes a U-shaped couch that are usually fixed into corners or walls in cafes. This is a great way of giving your home an inclusive feel, especially when you’re inviting over groups of friends for coffee. If you’re looking for extra seats, you can always add chairs or even a bench that isn’t fixed on your wall. Compared to furniture that isn’t “fixed” to walls, having couches on corners is a great way of harmonizing everything in place.

Chalk Things Up

Most cafes during the late 2000s and early 2010s have been using chalkboards as the public menu where everyone can see. But when you’re just at home, the chalkboard can have a multitude of different purposes. You might want to consider having a blackboard or one that’s green, depending on how well it can harmonize with your style.

If you’ve got kids or you just want to have a good time with your friends, they can doodle away on your chalkboard, which can add to be a bit of quirkiness to your place.

Why go to a cafe when you can set up your very own cozy coffee-drinking spot at home and invite friends? There are a lot of ways of getting that cozy cafe-style decor going for your home.

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